Formation Stages


Aspirants are catholic women who heard the call of Jesus, “Come, and follow me!” and aspired to respond to that call through the acceptance of entering into the Aspirancy convent.

The purpose of this formation stage is to help Aspirants to learn about, adapt to, and discern the vocation as Lovers of the Holy Cross.


The stage of Aspirancy lasts at least one year.



Postulancy period is to prepare postulants for entering into Novitiate through deepening the life of faith, prayer through the Liturgies and meditation, our Founder, and the traditions of our Congregation.

The purpose of this formation stage is assist postulants to deeper understand their vocation and the Congregation’s.

The stage of Postulancy lasts at least six months.


Novitiate stage is the most important formation period assisting novices to clearly affirm their vocations and the Congregation’s, to experience the life of the Congregation, to study the Evangelical Vows, to conform their minds and hearts to the Lambertian Spirituality.

The stage of Novitiate lasts at least two years.


Juniorate stage is the period where temporary professed sisters totally dedicate and completely commit to Jesus Christ through living a particular way of life of the Congregation and a life of the Evangelical counsels.

The stage of temporary vows lasts at least five years before perpetual vows.
